The Hanover Area Historical Society has three historic buildings for you to visit.
Check out our Friends of HAHS page where you will find other places of interest.
ADA Accessibility and Our Society: The Hanover Area Historical Society strives to adhere to all ADA Accessibility guidelines to enhance every visitor’s enjoyment of our historic buildings or grounds and still preserve our historic buildings. A docent is always on duty to assist you. If you have any questions, please call our office at (717) 632-3207.

You can also visit HAHS at the Market House
The Hanover Market House has been Hanover’s farmers market since 1815, though not always in this location. HAHS has a stand that is open most Saturdays year-round, 7:00 – 11:00 a.m. Here you can purchase HAHS merchandise, obtain information about HAHS (and join the Society), view a slide presentation of photos from our vast collection and order prints of the photos.